Thursday 6 February 2014

Weekly Devotional "Be Different"

Dear Readers,

Sometimes it's so hard, especially for us teenagers, not to be like the rest of the world. 
The way we behave, the way we talk, the way we dress.....all these things are different than those of the world, so just as a reminder:

Let us strive to be different
while we might seem strange to the world, 
we are being noticed by GOD!

God bless


  1. Yes Laura, let us be of good courage and strong for our God is with us!

  2. si somos diferentes por ser como EL .........estamos en el camino correcto!..........Dios quiere hacer algo precioso en las vidaas de los jovenes .....sigue buscandolo!

  3. Dear Laura, I agree 100%; and this is not only for teens, it is for everybody! Sometimes I see mothers or grandmothers that dress like teenagers! We must honor our God not only inside, but outside too! It is so encouraging to read your messages. Blessings.

  4. Very true!! We are not going to make a difference unless we are different from this world.

  5. Oh yes longing for His holiness in every area of our lives, for His fire to purify us.
    I love you mi nena!

  6. This is excellent, Laura!! I agree, we are to be different because we are not of this world! Thank you for this reminder!
