Dear readers,

As my 18th birthday approaches, the frightful thought of being an adult overwhelms me. The feeling, which I imagine is very similar to the seconds before jumping off an airplane with a parachute on your back, has crept over me.
Am I ready?
During all my growing up years, I would often ask my Dad to tell me stories of the time when he was in the army. I remember how he would tell me about all the preparation and training that they went through before they took them at least 2,000 ft. above the ground to parachute down.
We go through a preparation in life as well, our parents faithfully teach us what we need to know. But when the day comes, our instructors will stay behind, and we will jump off alone...
Well, or maybe not completely alone. Because, throughout our training, we were taught to carry the most essential thing with us all the way: the parachute.
Without it we would be out of control, we would not be able to land smoothly, we would not survive.
Sooner or later the person will need to pull out the parachute....and yes, sooner rather than later!
Again, it is the same thing in our lives. It is impossible to make it on our own, we need Jesus Christ to accompany us in order to survive.
Let's not even dare to soar through life without the Lord, it will not end well, He is essential!
So as I stand on the edge, ready to jump, I will remind myself of the verse:
"Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10
And I ask...
Lord, hold my hand. Let's jump off together!